Affinity Designer Mac

About Affinity Designer

Affinity Designer is the fastest, smoothest, most precise vector graphic design software available. Whether you’re working on graphics for marketing materials, websites, icons, UI design or just like creating cool concept art, Affinity Designer will revolutionize how you work. Real-time performance: Panning and zooming is always live at 60fps Live gradients, transforms, effects and adjustments Optimized for documents of any complexity, zoom to over 1,000,000% for absolute precision Live pixel and retina view of vector artwork, wireframe view, split screen mode Seamless switching between tools and editing modes for frustration-free design Perfect color and output: Professional CMYK, LAB, RGB and Grayscale color models Full 16-bit per channel editing End-to-end ICC color management Advanced Lanczos 3 image resampling plus Bicubic, Bilinear and Nearest Neighbor methods Truly multi-discipline: Rock solid vector tools that work just the way you want them to Live effects, blend modes, image adjustments, and raster and vector masks for any part of your design Use the strengths of vector and raster behaviors for the best of both worlds The best pen tool, node tool, curve editing, geometry operations, and smart shape tools available Flexible text handling including comprehensive support for OpenType High quality raster tools for texturing, masking and finishing artwork. Create your own brushes too. Optimized workspaces give focus to design disciplines including web graphics, UI/UX, print, and concept art

How to Run Affinity Designer on Mac

Mac Version Available

Option 1: Use Parallels

Parallels is the fastest, easiest, and most powerful option to run Windows on your Mac. Data can be shared between Mac and Windows and switching between the two is as simple as switching screens. Run it On Mac recommends Parallels as the #1 best way to run Affinity Designer on your Mac desktop or laptop.

Pros: Very Cost-Effective; Easily transfer files; Easily switch between Windows & Mac.

Cons: May see a slight decrease in performance; Cost varies from $50-80 for a personal license.

Option 2: Use Bootcamp

Boot Camp is a boot utility included with most Apple desktop and laptop products that allows users to install a Windows operating system alongside the native macOS/OS X operating system. Using Bootcamp is a relatively technical process and should probably only be undertaken by someone who understands the process.

Pros: Free; Good option if you need high performance or are using an older machine.

Cons: Switching between operating systems requires a restart; difficult, technical installation process.

Affinity Designer System Requirements

Windows 10/Mobile Also Available for Windows 10 (x64)

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