DS get Mac

About DS get

You must own a Synology NAS to run this app. With DS get, manage your downloads anywhere you are with your Windows Phone 8, directly to you DiskStation. In addition to viewing your Download Station status, individual task information, controlling key settings such as download schedules, DS get also has an inbuilt browser to conveniently start downloads, and integrates with Internet Explorer. Even better, you can use keywords to search for content, just like in Download Station. With DS get you can: View your list of download tasks -Pause, resume or delete tasks -Search torrents by keywords and download them directly -Create download tasks through the inbuilt Web browser (tap link) or by inputting url/download links directly -Create download tasks through Internet Explorer for supported links (magnet://, thunder://, flashget://, qqdl://, ed2k://) -Create RSS downloads (RSS sources can only be added from Download Station) -Bookmark pages in the app’s inbuilt Web-browser -Activate advanced schedules for downloads and set maximum upload/download speeds depending on the type of download task -Supports encrypted login over HTTP without SSL -All features available with DSM 5.0 and onwards -Requires Windows Phone 8.

How to Run DS get on Mac

Mac Version May Be Available

Option 1: Use Parallels

Parallels is the fastest, easiest, and most powerful option to run Windows on your Mac. Data can be shared between Mac and Windows and switching between the two is as simple as switching screens. Run it On Mac recommends Parallels as the #1 best way to run DS get on your Mac desktop or laptop.

Pros: Very Cost-Effective; Easily transfer files; Easily switch between Windows & Mac.

Cons: May see a slight decrease in performance; Cost varies from $50-80 for a personal license.

Option 2: Use Bootcamp

Boot Camp is a boot utility included with most Apple desktop and laptop products that allows users to install a Windows operating system alongside the native macOS/OS X operating system. Using Bootcamp is a relatively technical process and should probably only be undertaken by someone who understands the process.

Pros: Free; Good option if you need high performance or are using an older machine.

Cons: Switching between operating systems requires a restart; difficult, technical installation process.

DS get System Requirements

Windows 10/Mobile Also Available for Windows 10 Mobile, Windows Phone 8.1, Windows Phone 8 (ARM)